Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To Genuflect or Not to Genuflect?

Now that is the question. Often enough you notice people doing different things in Church. But we are all practicing the same Faith right? Why do people either genuflect or bow before you enter the pew? or the Tabernacle for that matter? Why do we do the things we do? Why do some do things differently? What is the right way? Why do we follow Traditions?

Here's a pretty comprehensive explanation.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, yr link doesn't lead to the explanation on Genuflection. Catholics Genuflect to the Tabernacle coz that's where the Blessed Sacrament, the living Christ is supposed to be isn't it? But many ppl genuflect to the Altar, including the current STM where there isn't even a Tabernacle, so wondering what are they genuflecting to... Can we find out what's the correct way?
