Monday, July 13, 2009

Al Islam masuk gereja cari gadis bertudung murtad

"For anyone who eats and drinks without recognising the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgement on himself" - 1 Corinthian 11: 29

I came upon an article which infuriated me tremendously. I don't understand why and how people would go to such measures. Where is that respect for each others' religion? You don't see people of other religion "kepoh" in mosque. Sometimes I blame our education system for not teaching us how to think rationally. Please continue to pray for our country and for our Prime Minister.

Here's the article that was published in May 2009.You can make a complaint here.

For further follow-ups, this blog is dedicated to this issue.


  1. i wonder where they got their "khabar angin" from.

    i wouldn't mind so much if they visited the church to try to find the truth in the "khabar angin", but going and receiving the body of Christ is too much.

  2. yup, but God has everything under control

  3. It's an outrage to desecrate the Body of Christ like that.

  4. Pengunaan perkataan Allah oleh penganut Kristian tidak langsung mencabar undang-undang. Sebaliknya, 'undang-undang' yang melarang pengunaan perkataan Allah telah mencabar undang-undang perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia. Sejak bila bahasa hanya khas untuk sesetengah golongan rakyat?

    Ramai tidak faham bahawa hal ini bukan hal agama sahaja tetapi hal legislatif juga. Mungkin hari ini, kerajaan tidak faham dengan penuhnya pengunaan perkataan Allah oleh penganut Kristian tetapi sesetengah pihak boleh mengunakan alasan ini untuk mengkhaskan pengunaan bahasa untuk segolongan rakyat.

    Walau bagaimanapun, agama mana pun tidak mengajar penganutnya menyemai perasaan curiga dan benci terhadap agama lain.

  5. Hujah kamu tepat sama sekali. Kita sepatutnya saling hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain.

    Apa yang telah berlaku?

  6. Had they come in 40years ago...when communion veils were still in place,what would they think I wonder.

  7. Why?

    A long time ago, Islam and Christian are one..
    Referring to one God, even though different religion..They can marry each other.. However, because of the Jewish from that time recreate their the bible, the God got angry, because so many original fact had been replaced.. That's why they cannot refer to the name Allah..

    All this while, i've been searching for the truth...This is all i can share with all of you...You can also try get the meanings from any webs about the surah...SURAH Sab'a...Min'in...and Mathani..

    Hazrat Wathilah bin Al-Asqa R.anhu meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda," Aku telah diberi "Sab'a sebagai pengganti Taurat, 'Min'in" sebagai Zabur, "Mathani" sebagai ganti Injil, dan aku telah dilebihkan dengan "Mufassal". (Hadith Riwayat Ahmad dan Al Kabir.) * Tujuh surah pertama dalam kitab suci Al Quran dinamakan 'Sab'a" (tujuh surah terpanjang), sebelas surah yang berikutnya dikatakan "Min'in" (surah-surah yang mengandungi 100 ayat), dua puluh surah yang berikutnya pula dikenali sebagai "Mathani" (surah-surah yang berulang-ulang) dan surah-surah selebihnya sehingga khatan Al Quran dikenali sebagai "Mufassal" (yang dijelaskan). Hadith ini membawa maksud bahawa Al Quran yang mulia ini mengandungi kesemua perkara yang terkandung dalam kitab-kitab Allah SWT yang masyhur yang ditunkan dari langit. Sebagai tambahan yang khusus. Al Quran mengandungi 'Mufassal" yang tidak terdapat dalam kitab-kitab yang terdahulu...

    Thank you..

  8. i didn't mean to say that we can't refer to the same name~Allah..but don't you think that calling the same name for the God of the different religious will create so many confuses???
