Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life is beautiful if we give it a chance

Our dear post-con shared about abortion and it was a very good session. In response to that, I've enclosed extracts from the brochure and handouts. This info could prove useful if you encounter a situation as such.

You formed my inward parts. You knit me together in my mother's womb

~ Psalm 139:13 ~

Left: Silation & Extraction (till 8 months), Right: Aborted after 9 weeks.

Abortion is "the intentional or unintentional expulsion of a pre-born child at any time after fertilisation and before the natural birth process is completed." Although illegal in Malaysia (Abortion Act 1967), Muslims allow abortions for foetuses below 120 days and most private clinics will perform an abortion for as low as RM300.

But is a foetus a life?
All entities fall into one of the three categories: alive, dead or inanimate/inorganic. It is clear that when the two live cells (the woman's ovum and a man's sperm) fuse together, the result must be another live cell. We also know that fertilised eggs experience a very high rate of cell division (cell division does not take place in a dead or inanimate being). Fertilised eggs are also not dead otherwise they would naturally miscarry or be reabsorbed by the mother's body.

Virtually every medical school textbook says human life begins at fertilisation. Sometimes, however, the argument is made that before the soul enters the body, there is no life and therefore abortion is permissible. But even if we held this argument, because of the uncertainty over the exact moment of "ensoulment" and the possibility that the foetus has alraedy been ensouled, the risk in an abortion of killing a life can never be justified.

How serious is this sin?
The Catholic Church's Code of Canon Law #1398 states that all who procure abortion shall be automatically excommunicated from the Church. This includes boyfriend, husband or parent who drives the pregnant woman or girl to the abortion clinic, pays for the abortion in full or in part, or even advises that abortion may be an option. The sanction of excommunication also applies to the abortionist, nurse, counsellor and anyone else who aids or assists in an abortion.

How to help a friend dealing with abortion?
You have to LEAD.

Encourage her to talk about her feelings, her worries, her guilt, her fears. Help her feel secure and convince her that all is not lost. Some helpful questions would be:
  • How do you know you're pregnant?
  • How/when did you first learn that you were pregnant?
  • Who have you told about your pregnancy? (Parental notification is crucial)
  • What difficulties do you think the pregnancy will create for you?
  • What difficulties do you think the abortion would solve?
  • What difficulties do you think an abortion would create?
Try to react empathically to her. Avoid sermonizing or lecturing; instead try to communicate with empathy, not sympathy. Feel with her, not for her. Empathy can be communicated in many small ways, such as:
  • Make eye contact.
  • Nod your head in encouragement.
  • Listen carefully to verbal and nonverbal communications.
  • Reflect on key statements.
  • Wait patiently through tears and silence.


One of the most beneficial thing a friend can do for another in troubled times is to communicate unconditional love and acceptance. Affirm her that you love and accept her for who she is whether she goes for the abortion or not. Don't be afraid that accepting her unconditionally may make her more likely to for an abortion. Withholding affirmation at such a time bears a much greater risk of harm.

Help her understand that God can bring good out of the most desperate situations. Remind her that she is not alone and that there is time to make decisions carefully and rationally. Guide her to carefully consider to alternatives to abortion:
  • Adoption
  • Marriage
  • Single parenthood

For a friend who has already aborted a baby, you should direct her through to reconciliation with God (confession) and help her seek God's healing grace.

For more info, please let us know and we can provide you the brochures and materials pertaining to the above issue. Or rather if you have a friend in such need, please seek help from
The Good Shepherd Temporary Shelter for Unmarried Mothers. Call Sr Helena, RGS at 05-546 7031 or 012-462 1341.

The brochure is copyrighted by the Church of St Francis Xavier in 2005. The "LEAD" portion is done by Justin Ng.

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