Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yuli shares, "I believe miracles will always happens and even can beyond our imaginantions."

Just Yuli being her smily self

I would like to share about one of my experience with Jesus.

I remembered when last semesters, all my hozmates which also my best fren from the first time since I was in Malaysia left me to further study. To be honest, at the first place there's feeling of released because I just feel too bonded while I was with them.

At first week they left me, I spend my holiday with doing internship and therefore feeling of being alone is disappear. However, the first thing start to worries me when the sem start after my break finished. Then, everday I keep worries about everything as now I doing everything alone, things like: lunch, dinner, frens to study, to share, etc. I feel unsecured, uncertain, sadness, all d worries keeps annoyed me.

Then, one day I went to leader's outreach. In one sections, we have to take 1 paper filling with bible's verse. I get verse," Jesus is the same from the past, now and future."
I am started to think and believe that God give me this situations doesn't mean He leaves me but He sure have others purpose.

Yuli at the Potter and Clay retreat in Port Dickson

From that so on, I learned about how blessfull to have people surrounding me in every minutes. So, I changed my prayer to say thankfull everyday instead of asking giving me frens immediately. I realised that is just so ego and foolish to do that.Thus, I changed my pray to God said that I trusted Him and have faith in Him that he will give the best for me.
Now, I asking God for always give me guidance and lightening my way to suits in His way.

From that, I slowly feel peace in day to day. Now, I believe we had to put our faith in God, because when we worry too much it's just wasting time and energy. So, everything that seems misserable in our life better to only pray, hope and do our best and be humble in our prayer. As it is written in Jer 29:11. I believe miracles will always happens and even can beyond our imaginantions.

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